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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Mar. 28 – Apr. 1

Congratulations to the following band students for earning medals at Spectrum Solofest on March 12th!

Gold Medalists

Wyat Norgard – Snare Drum

Lorien Greenfield – Clarinet


Silver Medalists

Wyat Norgard – Bells

DaLilah Thornton – Clarinet

Livia Anders – Clarinet

Salinger Johnson – Flute

E.J. Ferris-Wennerdahl – Piano

The Trailblazers enjoyed their time at RU on Monday morning!

Continuing Women’s History month by learning about Jane Adams and her local connections!

Happy birthday to Brayden!

Working on fractions & percents in Math, including playing Guess My Rule for practice!

Using Google Earth to explore Machu Picchu up close!

Continuing our work on Art Auction items!

Happy birthday Anthony!

Continued work on pointillism!

Creating paintings in the style of the native Australian Aboriginal people!

Hope you didn't get April Fooled today!

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