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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Apr. 3 – Apr. 7

IE students re-write Bunnicula first person from a different character's perspective, or write a Sideways Story from Spectrum School!

Spanish Class!

Students learned some history and culture in Spanish class this week (Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru) and then decorated Guaguas!

Differentiated chess: partners, one on one, & online!

Happy (belated!) 8th birthday to Anna!


This week, Intermediate students started the basics of learning to type! We are working on many projects that will be easier to complete with typing skills under their belts. Some students already have their fingers flying!

Recorders Rock!

Congratulations Evan for mastering your black recorder belt! I am proud of how far everyone has come on their recorder journey!

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