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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 11 – Sept. 15

Rainy Mondays are great for project time!

Water Science!

How many water drops fit on a penny? What happens when salt/soap is added to the water? Can you make clouds in a jar? And plays oh water and ice molecules! (Plus fancy goggles to make us official)

Collage Technique Exploration!

This week, students worked in 2D and 3D with magazines, decorative paper, paper strips, and tissue paper. They followed their inspiration to create some wonderful art!

Spectrum Alum Visit!

Intermediate and Upper had a fantastic time meeting and talking with author and Spectrum alum Ryan Bernsten on Wednesday! The students were just bursting with enthusiasm and questions to ask!

Maddox did a wonderful job leading Yoga for Intermediate and Early!

Writers' Workshop!

Thursday in Writer’s Workshop, several readers shared their original stories! Great job Brianna, Alexis, Malin, Bennett, Lavender, and Julia!

Julia created Guinea Pig central, presenting her research project poster, her narrative piece, and her pet Midnight!

Bucket Drumming!

We are practicing a rhythm routine using the theme of Super Mario Brothers!

Have a great three-day weekend!

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