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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Nov. 13 – Nov. 17

Beginning our Reptile Interest Group with an animal sort!

Co-planning expectations and setting goals with our Interest Group!

Design & Create Interest Group, Day 1!

After we spent the morning learning about design techniques, we busted out the 3d pens and perler beads to put our designs to the test! We had a wonderful first day, and it’s only up from here!

Burpee Museum!

At Burpee Museum, students were getting to know some reptiles: Box turtle, Russian Tortoise, Bald Python, Crested Gekko, Argentine Black and White Tegu! They were also in a zoology workshop analyzing skulls to identify animals!

Biomimicry Lab at the Field Museum!

Project-Based Learning!

Project-based learning at its best and most challenging….everyone doing something different….will they finish? Are they really learning something? Will it be good?

JG's Reptile Road Show visited us on Thursday!

Pottery Lounge!

Design & Create IG’s field trip to Pottery Lounge was a huge hit. Coming soon….our completed and kiln fired ornaments!

Interest Group Showcase!

All of our hard work on display! Design and Create worked so hard to create cups, keychains, shirts, and lots of other things!

So happy to have Miss Tara back for Yoga on Friday!

Have a relaxing weekend!

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