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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Jan. 22 – Jan. 26


Applying equivalent fractions to a real world challenge. Two heads are better than one!

IE & EE team up for a symmetry/adding/art challenge with Snowflakes!

So many big ideas in Art class!

A big thank you to Ms. Sue for donating pom water bottles. Many students in Early were quickly inspired and we ended up with a couple of snowmen, a bird feeder that is also a percussion instrument, and some containers with creative carrying methods. It was a great day to create!

Hands-on Equivalent Fractions!

Owen leads a sled-making campaign. Thanks, Ms. Megan!


We are learning about Mozart’s life and music. We listened to his variations based on Twinkle Little Star and talked about how each variation was different. We also listened to Rondo Alla Turka and learned about the form of music using popsicle puppets. Putting together Mozart puzzles with facts about his life was fun too.

Non-Fiction Labels!

An amazing experience with IE creating non-fiction feature labels on sticky notes then labeling non-fiction books with their notes.

IE playing on their homemade sleds!

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