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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Feb. 12 – Feb. 16

Intermediate launched their Weather unit this week!

Differentiating Math!

We made equivalent fractions with Girl Scout cookies, and a plethora of other challenges.

100th Day!

100 tallies to extra recess, self-portraits at 100 years old, and $100 budget…items included videogames, savings accounts, books, dogs, cats, ferrets, games, and restaurants.

Everyone worked really well finishing all their classwork, so we ended the day with choice time!

Mosaico Cultural!

This week, we had the dance instructor from Mosaico Cultural join us for a dance class! In a combination Spanish/Music/Art class, Early, Intermediate, and Upper learned and performed a folkloric dance from the Mexican state of Nayarit. The students did so well!

Happy Valentine’s Day! We had so much fun celebrating together!


We all had a wonderful time at the Museum of Science and Industry on Wednesday! A BIG trip, lots of fun, and a fancy bus! Thank you to all of our chaperones for making this happen!

Weather Science Experiments!

We checked temperatures, talked erosion, and melted ice. Ask your student which experiment they did and what they learned today!

Have a relaxing three-day weekend!

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