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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Feb. 21, 2020

Dear Spectrum Families and Friends, 

As I write this, we are halfway through our Spectrum Career Day. I find it gratifying to witness the connections and relationship building among our presenters, and to experience the energy and interest of our students. We had a variety of careers and interests represented: cosmetology, tailoring, not-for-profit management, policing, cheer coach, architecture, flight nurse, firefighting, neurosurgeon, regular nurse, chiropractors human and animal, a doula, and a yoga/fitness instructor.  I hope you enjoy the pictures and videos of the day. Thank you to parents Tara Erdmier, Sonia Chaudrhy, and Mary Baldauf for helping us get presenters, and to all of our presenters and volunteers. 

I wanted to give a gentle reminder about re-enrollment (click for details). We need to have a solid sense of numbers for planning and recruiting, as Open Enrollment begins March 1. We appreciate your continued enrollment and support. 

Also, I wanted to remind you of a “current family” tuition credit incentive and referral program. You give us names and contact information for prospective families who you believe will be a good fit for Spectrum. You will get a $200 tuition credit per family if based on your referral the family enrolls and attends Spectrum. Also, we can provide Share Spectrum folders with FAQ’s, talking points, fliers, and business cards to support anyone who wants to contribute to our word-of-mouth efforts. Spectrum is such a special school, and our current families are our best ambassadors. 

On Friday, February 28 at 1:00pm, we will have a police monitored Intruder Alert drill.  Teachers will discuss the process with students to reassure them this is for practice only, so everyone knows what to do and where to go if there were a safety emergency.  Even though it tends to surface some anxiety, it is one of the annual state compliance requirements for schools which is important, relevant, and a good idea. 

Dr. Mary Beth Cunat 

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