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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Dreamers’ and Design Thinkers’ Highlights! May 17 – May 25

Dreamers counting down the days until Summer Break!

Parachute Design Challenge!

Take time to smell the flowers!

Thank you Mrs. Puetz for sharing the Band Concert with us!

Finishing up Sonia and starting some Zentangles!

Ghost Hunt!

Working on our Ghost Hunt games! Understanding X,Y coordinates and random numbers. Also, take Brayden and Asher’s Ghost Hunt games for a test drive!

Design Thinkers' had a blast at the Fun Run Field Day!

The Dreamers' Fun Run Field Day was also action-packed!

Monday's water celebration, which brought out our virtual student Anna and her brother!

“Superheroes” leading calendar, story time, and an art activity for the Dreamers’ last full day of school!

After a whole year without Pizza Friday’s, we just had to get some delivered!

Dreamer Awards!

So many of these are inside jokes and just a tiny glimpse into why this group of kiddos is so wonderful. From our bright and and bushy tailed Bryce, who always greets us so cheerfully first thing in the morning, to Zayd who asks us “why?” 27 times a day, and Liam who tells us the most fantastical made up stories. We were so so lucky to spend this year having a blast with these kids!

What an amazing year! Have a wonderful summer!!

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