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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Board President: Feb. 2, 2024

Dear Spectrum Family and Friends,

Someone once said, “Everybody is born gifted; unfortunately, only a few
people open their gifts”. Spectrum school is designed to help its
students open their gifts. Students learn to talk by talking, count by
counting, read by reading, and draw by drawing. In other words, you
learn by doing whatever you are trying to learn, and, presto, your gifts
are open.

Spectrum excels at helping students learn to learn. From the moment
they walk into the school, they are engaged. They learn their basic skills
and employ those skills to advance their own learning. They are
learning social skills, communication skills, connecting learning and life,
and learning to interface with other students of different ages and
interests and learning levels.

Spectrum classrooms are flexible so students can learn to work in teams,
work alone, lead discussions, organize projects, research topics, and
make their own decisions about issues they uncover, all at appropriate
skill levels. Spectrum builds its daily routine to accentuate the positive,
appreciate the environment, enrich lives, and find joy in learning .
Winston Churchill is quoted as saying, “The positive thinker sees the
invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.” We
wouldn’t want anything less for our students.

Spectrum also offers the opportunity to learn about the tools of the
future such as computers, 3D Printers, and even solar panels to learn to
generate electricity to recharge those tools.

Thank you for helping polish Spectrum, the hidden gem of Rockford.

Dr. Alan R. Robinson
Board of Directors
Spectrum Progressive School of Rockford
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