We are excited about the Fun Day, Run Day on Friday April 26th.?
Our class will begin the celebration at 11:30am with brunch (no additional charge) in Diehl Hall with our Grandfriends and other invited guests.
**Pizza will be on Thursday this week**
Below is a schedule of the rest of the afternoon:
12:00-1:00pm Photo Booth, Visiting Classrooms, Interview Game
1:00pm Fun Run-Outside near the prairie
Journey Stick Project in Diehl Hall
Return to Classrooms – Board Games
Have a great weekend!
Sally and Kelli
Mythical Beasts Interest Group
We tried to have some fun during our Mythical Beasts interest group. We made playing cards and played Giants, Wizards, and Elves!
Photography Interest Group at the Nicholas Conservatory!
Sea Mammals Interest Group
Visiting Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium as part of the Sea Mammals Interest Group. Backstage VIP trip to see sea otters too!!
Green Screen Photography Project

Last Day of Interest Group!
Photos from our last day of interest group and last night’s showcase performance! Any disturbing faces were thanks to the Harry Potter jelly beans. Some flavors were good, but some were…not so good! What a wonderful group of creative young minds!
Thanks for taking a look at this week's rendition of the Bluestems' Dossier!
As always, feel free to email us with any questions, concerns, or even requests for this newsletter!
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