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Phone: (815) 877-1600

Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Bluestems’ Dossier: Apr.8 – Apr.12

Upcoming Schedule:
Monday 4/15 Interest Groups
Tuesday 4/16 Interest Groups
Wednesday 4/17 Interest Groups
5:30PM – 7:00PM Interest Group Sharing/ Fine Arts Night
Thursday 4/18 School in session; Poem in Your Pocket Day
Friday 4/19 Teacher Planning Day (No School; Compass available)
Monday 4/22 School in session; Earth Day

Genius Hour

Nathan’s dragon sculpture continues to evolve during Genius Hour.

(if possible, please save cube shaped tissue boxes for Nathan’s project, thanks!)

Music Class

Recorder karate is a favorite music project during our music time with Ms. Puetz!

Art Class

Applying glaze to our fired clay projects in the Art Room with Ms. Pam!

So proud of our Future Problem Solving team!

National Poetry Month!

We had a chilly outdoor adventure today to prepare for writing some concrete poems. Happy National Poetry Month!

As always, feel free to email us with any questions, concerns, or even requests for this newsletter!

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