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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Bluestems’ Dossier: Dec.3 – Dec.7

Hello, December!

Bluestem Families,

Thank you for all of your kind thoughts and words during the last month.  As you may know, my daughter had some health concerns that caused us to be in the hospital for 16 days.  She is doing well now, and we are both so happy to be back at school! I know that my absence was inconvenient to say the least, but I cannot thank the Spectrum staff and families enough for stepping up to help in the classroom and lend support to Sally and our students during math, recess, and throughout the day.  I was able to focus completely on helping my daughter heal and navigate a very difficult situation without worrying about work and school. In my first week back, I have been reminded of how special our school is and how this is where we belong!

Happy Holidays,


Personal Projects

Making progress on our individual projects, including Bear presenting his project on the different types of exercise to the class!

International "Hour of Code"

Participating in the international “Hour of Code” this past Tuesday.

Holiday Program Prep

MORE practice and scene creation for the BIG SHOW on December 20th!

Holiday Store

Shopping at the holiday store today. Thanks to all the hard working volunteers!

Thanks for tuning in to this week's edition of the Bluestems' Dossier!

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