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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Bluestems’ Dossier: Jan.14 – Jan.18

Positively impacting the future, one day at a time...

  • Conference Day is February 1st. Please remember to sign up for a conference at our Sign Up Genius Link!
  • We welcomed Rylan Bloomquist to our class this week! He has been learning from the other students about the ways we collaborate, problem solve, and learn together at Spectrum School.
  • Please remember to be prepared for our big field trip to Angelic Organics on Wednesday. Refer to the information that came home in the weekly envelope regarding appropriate clothing for the outdoors. Everyone will need to pack a lunch and beverage.

Recess can be rewarding

Friends who help get up the hill together, stay together.

All-School Share

Our class hosted All-School Share this morning, which was a fun celebration of the variety of creative learning happening all over the our school. Practicing those audience communication skills doesn’t hurt, either! Also, the Pre-Schoolers taught us how to Dress for Success when we go to Angelic Organics on Wednesday!

Genius Hour

Ask your child about Genius Hour. We are excited to get started! This is a great way for students to research topics on their own and have freedom to decide what they want to know more about. Information is going home today in our planner folders.

Practicing our math strategies with new games!

Thanks for taking time to read the latest entry in the Bluestems' Dossier!

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