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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! Jan. 25 – Jan. 29

Creat-ova-tors have been working hard on their digital processfolios for second trimester! They are adding evidence of all of their work and reflecting on the process as they go. They will be ready on Wednesday and sent out with your child’s progress report. Students will then conduct a conference at home to view their Google site with you and fill out the survey about their work. Conferences are on Friday, February 5th. If you have not signed up, please do so. The schedule is posted in ClassTag. If that isn’t working, you can contact me for a time. – Kelli and Aly

We are looking forward to meeting with all of our Brainstormers‘ families to share progress and set goals for the remainder of the school year. Progress reports and processfolio binders will be sent home prior to February 5th. Please look over the posted schedule on our Classtag page and choose a time for your conference. You will receive a link for our Zoom meeting in advance. Thank you! – Sally and Kristin

Calculating multiple towers projects during Math!

Creat-ova-tors completed their homemade t-shirts in honor of the book Frindle by Andrew Clements!

We're strengthening our expressive and receptive skills in Sign Language by playing i-Spy!

The Creat-ova-tors started a Britto-inspired Art project with Miss Pam!

See you in February!

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