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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Democratic Republic of Middle Schoolers! Apr. 27 – May 1

Science shock!

On Monday, Ms. Shannon assigned the students a video and questions about just how small an atom is. One of the students texted this right away. We love when they start making these connections!

Sabine's Create your own Country!

For our “Create your own Country” project, the students came up with a name, designed a national flag, and created maps for their country. Some of the names of these countries: Democratic Republic of Slamykak, Kingdom of Oceanland (KOO), Republic of Jotunheim, Kom, and Texus!

U.S Constitution!

When all your students are independently collaborating after you assign them study groups on the U.S. Constitution during Covid19. This is so exciting and what real learning looks like!

Educational game break!

When you want to have some fun at the end of serious study? You take “Quiz for French teenagers on America” on Jeopardy! Yes, it was three Rauhs against one Yannik!

Challenging our students!

This week, Ms. Aubrey has been asking the Middle School students to show greater levels of autonomy and ownership. This is an example of setting an expectation for presence, work, creativity, and independence. What a way to start a hump day!

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