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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Early Elementary: Sept. 16 – Sept. 20

Grassroots Sharing!

Rebecca’s Grassroots sharing: Bucha Bar! Everyone tried a sample of the locally produced kombucha. It’s an amazing health elixir!

Anthony’s Grassroots sharing: “Grassroots Zucchini cake” made with locally raised eggs and zucchini grown in our own Spectrum garden! So many kids commented on how they had volunteered and contributed to the garden! Great grassroots connections!!

Gavin’s Grassroots sharing: By the Dozen Bakery! Yum

Independent Reading Time: Readers are Problem Solvers!

Kindness rocks are ready for hiding!

More “Ikebana”, floral arranging in Japanese class today!

Art Class

Learning about goats with cloven hooves and horns. Mixed Media of chalk, Sharpies, pencil, and crayons!

William Hoy

We learned about William Hoy, a deaf baseball player, in Sign Language class Thursday. We learned how to sign Hoy’s name. His story also serves as a great reminder that people can successfully navigate through challenges and obstacles.

There is an in-depth video on the Early Elementary Facebook page if your child would like to learn more about William Hoy.

Praying Mantis Egg Habitat Cup!

This was found at recess today! Identified by Leona and confirmed by Google.

Hiding our Kindness rocks around the church grounds on Peace Day!

That wraps up another week inside the Early Elementary classroom. See you next week!

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