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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Mar. 11 – Mar. 15

Math Venn Diagrams!

Thanks, Jen Hassler for this idea! Math Venn Diagrams to review Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple…..common denominators, here we come!

A Note from Miss Megan!

Howdy folks! The Hee Haw Hoedown and Blue Ribbon Art Show is right around the corner and we are all riled up with excitement! Catch a peek at these fine artists and their award-worthy works!
We can’t wait to display fine works of art from all our Blue Ribbon Artists for your perusal! See ya next Thursday, March 21st right here in good ‘ol Spectrum School!

Harmony and Tranquility at Anderson Japanese Gardens!

Interdisciplinary Time: Koi fish, Japan research, and Katakana handwriting practice!

Using dice and dominoes to represent and re-write improper fractions to mixed numbers!


These IE haiku
Are about our class, guess who
This we learned to do!

Ikibana has begun. Thank you, Miss Keiko!

Loving Heather's Japanese Bulletin Board, composed of Intermediate students' Coi fish paper sculptures, watercolors, and Haikus!

Have a relaxing weekend!

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