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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Intermediate Elementary Highlights! Sept. 6 – Sept. 9

Our kiddos practicing Spanish with Mary Beth and doing pattern and engineering projects during Maker Time!

Buddy Time!

Intermediate Elementary and Upper School had some fun outside for our Buddy Time this beautiful Friday! We even found a bumble bee friend!

STEM exploration and collaboration!

Project-Based Learning!

Intermediate has been very into project-based learning this week. Completely organically, they started little trading posts and I was really impressed with how serious and industrious they were. They are all skilled at bargaining!

If anyone has LARGE boxes they are willing to part with, we would love to build our own stands to learn more about trade and basic economics. I also hung up some of our self portraits so that everyone could enjoy them. Hope you all have a great weekend!

Have a relaxing weekend!

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