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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

World Explorers’ & Trail Blazers’ Journal! Aug. 30 – Sept. 3

Ms. Kelli and the...

TRAIL BLAZERS! It was a close vote, but Trail Blazers beat out Key Questers for our class name. We compromised, though with a suggestion from Wyat for a motto that says “Quest for the best” and a class contract that will include the “Keys” to our success!

Ms. Sally and the...

WORLD EXPLORERS! They’re ready to take on this school year with the help of exploring power! Both IE classes loved seeing their tie dye shirts that they made at Back to School night!

A wonderful first day!

Back-to-School Escape Room (with just a few hiccups!), an intro to our first read aloud, and designing name plates that represent our unique selves. We also went on a hike and logged into Google classroom for the first time.
Just a reminder for Kelli’s class: if you don’t have rain boots (hiking shoes or just an old extra pair are fine too this time of year) and a rain jacket please send them in. Also, please remind students to have chrome books fully charged or bring a cord along.

First Day Memories!

Students who finished their name tags got to use our stage to explain how they made their letters represent them!

Exploring measurement together thru a scavenger hunt in our outdoor classroom!

Taking a deeper dive into watercolors and the color wheel!

Keys to Success!

Working on drawing keys to make our “Keys to Success” classroom posters. They are looking amazing and will be revealed next week!

That was fun. Let's do it again next week!

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