Rock Paper Scissors with some Spectrum twists!
Drawing the continents on the playground. We quickly realized sidewalk chalk was not easy to read and problem solved by labeling our continents with rocks!
On Monday, we explored bromeliads. They are a common plant that grows in almost every layer of a tropical rainforest. Pineapples and air plants are part of this plant family.
Trail Blazers played "2 Truths and a Lie" and painted motivational rocks as inspired by our read aloud, Because of the Rabbit!
Middle Schoolers Avenlea and Chase came in to review the procedures for composting with the World Explorers!

Declan's birthday was this past Tuesday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Sharing our books during partner reading time!
A beautiful day for a nature scavenger hunt!
Trail Blazers hard at work!
Sign Language!
Reviewing our ABCs! We also had a class discussion about how deafness has a wide spectrum. Ask your Trail Blazer about their Signing Space 🙂
Illustrating our outdoor scavenger hunt finds!
Indoor and outdoor independent reading!
Ask your Trail Blazer what “signposts” are and which we have gone over so far in our minilessons. (So far: Memory Moments, Again and Again, and tomorrow Contrasts and Contadictions)
Have a relaxing weekend!
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