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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Letter from the Principal: Dec. 6, 2019

Spectrum Families and Friends,

Generosity and good will. Mary Baldauf and Sonia Chaudhry have exemplified these in the work they have facilitated with Subaru Share the Love and the toy collection for Children’s Home & Aid. Jocelyn Shutkas has brought smiles and joy to countless residents in senior care facilities through the PTO Poinsettia Project. Our students in Early Elementary are raising money and learning how to manage a store to buy a family a goat. Our various Board committees, from Fundraising to Alumni to Education, continue to give time and energy to help us achieve important goals in moving the school forward. 

The next two weeks are packed with holiday events and cheer. Please keep on top of everything going on either through this newsletter, our website, and our Facebook pages and groups. 

Thank you for continuing to practice and model kindness and for being a wonderfully supportive parent community. 


Dr. Mary Beth Cunat

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