Here is a recent email from First in Math, one of our online resources for strengthening Math proficiency. (This applies to all but PreK, but if any PreK parents want a student account, let me know at [email protected])
“We believe so strongly in building a home-school connection that it’s been part of First In Math since we launched in 2002. FamilyLink® is a built-in way to invite the family into their child’s math education. How does it work?
Any family member, parent, sibling, or friend can use it! The FamilyLink Login & Password appear on the student Homepage.
FamilyLink players earn stickers! Become part of the friendly RANKINGS competition in two categories: Top Family Players & Top Family Teams.
First In Math is FUN math! Players choose the games they like from timed or untimed activities.
Moving forward with a common focus. The past two years brought everyone’s attention to finding better ways to bridge the home-school divide, and many parents have a new-found appreciation for this essential profession. Let’s keep this momentum going, we can accomplish so much TOGETHER!”
Click this First in Math FamilyLink for more information and how to access your free FamilyLink User ID and Password!
Please take advantage of this really neat resource. Our students are really loving it and will enjoy your participation, I’m sure.
Dr. Mary Beth Cunat
Principal – Spectrum Progressive School of Rockford