We have some passionate and visionary new Board members who are so capable of bringing Spectrum the visibility and recognition we need. I am very grateful for this influx of new energy and commitment as we face the chronic challenges of increasing enrollment and quality staffing.
I am curious. One of the concerns is that Preschool families looking to Kindergarten for next year may not be fully aware of the amazing option in their very own school. I for one am deeply grateful (and will forever be) for what Ms. Jacque has brought my grandchildren. They have learned to think, ask questions, read, make sense of numbers, explore, and develop organizational habits all while still loving learning and loving coming to school. They still have curiosity, joy, and imagination. Are you looking for this for your child for the next few years of his or her schooling?
New Board member Susan Sunday (also once a Spectrum parent, now a current Spectrum grandparent) advocated, “Get rid of this cloud of anxiety about Spectrum’s future. Spectrum is an asset, a hidden gem, and when people are aware of how amazing we are, they will come.”
You as current families have first dibs to this educational wonderland during the re-enrollment period, beginning in March. No matter to which level your child may be articulating next year, please consider how much the experience at Spectrum is fostering within children all the right “stuff” to be thinkers, creators, problem-solvers, and communicators. There are truly amazing things ahead for the Spectrum community, and we really hope you will all choose to be part of it!
Dr. Mary Beth Cunat
Principal – Spectrum Progressive School of Rockford