Living in northern Illinois has its joys and challenges, for sure. Working for a large urban district, I never had to call an inclement weather day. Now, I agonize with Marci for hours, looking at newscasts and school cancellations, weighing the pros and cons. Safety is our primary concern. We would rather NOT cancel school, but we always will err on the side of caution.
On the days we host virtual learning and offer opportunities to connect, we are not holding anyone’s feet to the fire. Snow days should be fun! Last Tuesday, I kept wishing we had waited until the morning, but the dire predictions for mid-afternoon kept surfacing. The horrible weather didn’t. But I had fun building snow figures with my granddaughters!
I guess this is all to say bear with us. We are doing our best. Whatever happens on Friday (by the time you read this it will be moot), or even next week with the extreme cold temps, I wish you wellness, safety, and joy with each other.
Dr. Mary Beth Cunat
Principal – Spectrum Progressive School of Rockford