Welcome to Spectrum!
We’d like to say WELCOME to our new Preschool students Addi, Cora, Gemma, Josie, and Mirabel (who also just celebrated her 3rd birthday!) We hope you all are settling in with your teachers and new friends!
Finding letters in our name and putting them in order from left to right!
Sunflower House!
We read the story Sunflower House by Eve Bunting. We learned that sunflowers are big, and another name for big is mammoth! We also explored different parts of a sunflower and found some slugs hidden in the roots. Some classmates took sunflower seeds home in their backpacks. They might want to plant them to see if they will grow next summer!
Creativity at its BEST!
Avery built a robot that shoots out water and bubbles. Franklin made a hotel with a pool. Dylan Ann, Jackson and Mirabel are having a picnic with a little rest time too!
Grandparents' Visits!
A huge thank you to our grandmas and grandpas who came to visit this week! We learned that Audrey likes to go to the park with her grandparents, Aria likes to play with the baby doll at her grandparents’ house (which they have a cradle for), and Dylan Ann likes to go downstairs and play store at their house!
All other grandparents: feel free to sign up for a future date, we’d love to have you!
Quick as a Cricket!
We read Quick as a Cricket by Audrey Wood this week. The classmates then took turns looking into a mirror and telling something special about themselves!
Singing and learning to work together with Miss Sue and a parachute!

A busy Thursday work time!

Have a relaxing weekend!
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