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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Travelers’ Tales! Sept. 27 – Oct. 1

Spot It!

On Monday, Johanna helped Audrey and Tinsley play Spot It! She explained the rules of the game and then took the role as the card flipper!

Bailey helped create a spectacular building with magna tiles!

Robot building!

We did Apple Jacks counting to 20 and writing our names!

Matching apple letters to our name. How many letters are in your name?

Apples Apples Everywhere!

On Tuesday, we re-read Apple, Apples Everywhere! by Robin Kootz. The class had to listen for the other season word for Fall (Autumn). When they heard that word, they had to raise their hand.

We also did a little investigating with apples. Did you know there’s a star inside an apple? If you cut it horizontally you will find one! Will you find one if it’s cut vertically? Do apples float? Ask your child and see what they say!

Morning meeting in Miss Shelley’s classroom!

Kindness Shaker!

Each day, we start our morning meeting by passing around the “kindness shaker” and asking our friends “would you like some kindness?” They reply either “Yes please“ or “No thank you.” Perfect way to start our day!

Let's have a fun October!

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