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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Bluestems’ Dossier: Oct.22 – Oct.26

This week, everybody couldn't stop buzzing about Severson Dells: what an AMAZING learning experience!

Upcoming Dates:

October 31st = Field trip to Rockford University 10:45AM – 11:45AM, Trunk or Treat 1:00PM, classroom party 1:30PM.

November 20th = Field trip to the Coronado Theatre to see “Rosie Revere, Engineer.”


BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

Students at this level are NOT required to bring a device to school, but if you would like to participate in our Bring Your Own Technology program, devices must have an attached keyboard.  Chromebooks work best. We have been practicing keyboarding with the Typing Club App, collecting facts for our research projects and one student is designing a website.

Acorn cap whistle?!

You read that right! These students got to learn how to make a whistle out of an acorn cap at Severson Dells. They can reach some HIGH decibel levels…

Severson Dells playground

The key to a great playground is wood…A LOT of wood. As you can see, teamwork makes the dream work!

Building shelters together

If you’re stranded in the middle of the woods and need some shelter? These kids got you covered… the beat of their own drum!

Who needs an iPod or Spotify when you have ALL OF THIS at your disposal?!

Bird study

Whether it’s up close and personal, or with the help of binoculars, birds can be fascinating to watch!

Be sure to check back next week for new entries in the Bluestems' Dossier!

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