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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Chickadees’ Diaries: Oct.22 – Oct.26

Early Elementary's work ethic is at an Upper Elementary level!

We are beyond proud and impressed with the hard work these young students are putting forth so far this year. Whatever we throw at them, they take it, conquer it, and ask for more! I hope you are as proud as we are!

Now, your week-at-a-glance!

Owl Pellet dissection

The look on some of these students’ faces are priceless! But, in the end, they rolled up their sleeves and got to work!

Task-completion galore!

Identifying bones, building tracks and chutes, dramatic puppet performances, constructing African masks, and writing scripts, OH MY!

Just because it's work doesn't mean it can't be fun!

Worktime Creativity is when you can tell these chickadees are having fun while also learning. Shouldn’t that always be the goal?!

Be sure to check back next week for new entries in the Chickadees' Diaries!

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