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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Brainstormers’ and Creatovators’ Highlights! May 3 – May 7

A week from Thursday, on May 13th, we will be filming an end-of-year video with Sue and Rickey. Please have your student wear jeans, jean capris, or jean shorts on 5/13. Dark blue bottoms would work as well. We will have t-shirts for your child.

Also, we will meet virtually for our spring conferences to review the year’s progress. There will be no class on this day (Fri, May 14), but all-day Compass is available. Digital Processfolios and progress reports will be available for viewing prior to our meeting. Thank you!

Check out Wyat's book trailer project!

Livia shared “A Nano Story” with the class and signed the Author’s Chair!

May the 4th Be With You: Part 2!

Rey (aka Avenlea) presented her Star Wars themed music and videogame. Princess Leia made a surprise appearance too!

Celebrating Children’s Day in Japanese with Ramune sodas! Arigato, Keiko!

Leona shared her video game creation “Squid Kid” with the class!

Exploring new trails during Thursday's outdoor adventure!

Disc Golf during our movement break!

Yumi and Takumi!

End-of-the-year Zoom meeting with Takumi and Yumi. We had technical difficulties, but we made it work! We were able to talk via chat. We are all looking forward to trying out Ramune on Wednesday! Wishing Takumi and Yumi a wonderful summer. We look forward to talking to both of them again in the fall!

As always, feel free to email us with any questions, concerns, or even requests for this newsletter!

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