Dear Spectrum Families and Friends,
We have made it through the first two weeks of school. Rickey Barnett in his mastery will have captured images and activities for this e-newsblast for each level. Expect this weekly! You can view each classroom’s weekly blog directly on our school website. More frequent updates about your student’s classes can be found by joining your child(ren)’s class level Facebook Group. Links to the individual Spectrum classroom levels on Facebook can be found at the bottom of each classroom blog. Email your teacher if you have any problems joining.
As I look at my notes and notebooks since last March, I am simply stunned about how much has happened, how much our amazing teams have accomplished, and what really remarkable learning spaces and opportunities are being created for your children day after day. My right hands: Marci, Melissa, Aubrey, Claire. This would not have been possible without you.
A special thank you to the Bruce family for our new “Little Library” and their book donation. If books are brought back, we will hold them for three days before they go back into circulation. It is available out in front by the main office.
In Case You Missed It: We will be running a test of our Emergency Call Out Test using our system Bright Arrow on Tuesday, September 15 at 10:00am precisely. If you do NOT get a text and/or email notification at that time please email me your correct cell phone number(s) so I can check it against what we have in our system.
Dr. Mary Beth Cunat
Spectrum School
(Please like and share our Facebook posts!)