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Thinking, Creating, Reflecting: Impacting the Future

Sprouts’ Accounts! Mar. 30 – Apr. 3

Need some new books to read?
Books will be delivered to your home AND our class will still earn points if you enter our class code at check-out. Our code is NWV2H

Scholastic Book Store!

A recap of what the little Sprouts did this past week!

Soap Foam!

I start with 2 TBS of liquid soap, 1/2 tsp of cornstarch, 1/4 cup of water (food coloring optional) and blend for 1-2 minutes. If its too thin, add cornstarch, if its too thick and wont blend any more, it should be done. It should be able to form stiff peaks when its ready. I found that doubling that recipe makes a perfect amount for one person play with. Play around with the measurements, let your child look at it, make adjusts, and re-evaluate as you go!


Here is the Zoom video from Thursday!

This video includes student sharing (Caleb, Dylan I, Dylan J, Diana, and Evan), singing happy birthday to Anna, and our dinosaur dance!

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